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You’ve got a brand new Mac. Congratulations! But all of your files and applications are still on your old Mac. Here’s how to migrate them in just a few clicks.

您有一台全新的Mac。 恭喜你! 但是,所有文件和应用程序仍在旧Mac上。 只需单击几下即可完成这些迁移的方法。

You might be reaching for an external hard drive, and and that’s not a bad idea, but there’s an easier way. Your Mac’s built-in Migration Assistant grabs your documents, applications, and system settings from one Mac and puts them on another. It takes a while to run, but it’s insanely easy, and the results are well worth it. Overnight, your new Mac will feel just like your old one…only newer.

您可能需要使用外部硬盘驱动器,这并不是一个坏主意,但是有一种更简单的方法。 Mac内置的Migration Assistant可从一台Mac上获取您的文档,应用程序和系统设置,然后将它们放在另一台Mac上。 运行需要一段时间,但是非常简单,结果值得。 一夜之间,您的新Mac将感觉就像您的旧Mac…只是新的Mac。

Migration Assistant can pull data directly from your old Mac or from a Time Machine drive.

Migration Assistant可以直接从旧Mac或Time Machine驱动器中提取数据。

第一步:在新Mac上启动Migration Assistant (Step One: Start Migration Assistant on Your New Mac)

You’ll be offered the chance to use Migration Assistant when you first turn on your new Mac, during the initial setup wizard. If you’re like me, though, you didn’t start the transfer right away, because you wanted to play around with your new computer a bit before waiting for a massive file transfer to finish.

在初始设置向导中首次打开新Mac时,将有机会使用Migration Assistant。 但是,如果您像我一样,就不会立即开始传输,因为您想在等待大量文件传输完成之前先试用一下新计算机。

No matter: you can launch Migration Assistant on your new Mac at any time. First, plug your Mac into the power supply: this is going to take a while, and you don’t want your battery dying halfway through. Then, in the Finder, head to Applications > Utilities. You’ll find Migration Assistant there.

没关系:您可以随时在新Mac上启动Migration Assistant。 首先,将Mac插入电源:这将需要一些时间,而且您不希望电池中途耗尽。 然后,在Finder中,转到“应用程序”>“实用程序”。 您将在此处找到“迁移助手”。

Click “Continue” and your current user account will log out. Eventually you’ll see the first window of the process.

单击“继续”,您当前的用户帐户将注销。 最终,您将看到该过程的第一个窗口。

Click the “From a Mac, Time Machine, or Startup Disk,” the click “Continue.” Now let’s get your old Mac ready.

单击“从Mac,Time Machine或启动盘中”,然后单击“继续”。 现在,让您准备好旧的Mac。

第二步:设置旧Mac进行迁移 (Step Two: Set up Your Old Mac For Migration)

If you have a Time Machine backup to restore from, you don’t actually need your old Mac at all: just plug the drive in, or connect to it over the network, and continue to the next step.

如果要还原Time Machine备份,则实际上根本不需要旧的Mac:只需插入驱动器,或通过网络连接到该驱动器,然后继续下一步。

If you don’t have a Time Machine backup to restore from, or would prefer to restore directly from your Mac, you have two main options:

如果您没有Time Machine备份要还原,或者希望直接从Mac还原,则有两个主要选择:

  1. Migrate data directly from one Mac to another Mac over your network. This is the simplest, though slower, method.

    通过网络将数据直接从一台Mac迁移到另一台Mac。 这是最简单但较慢的方法。
  2. Migrate data by directly connecting your two Macs using an ethernet, Firewire, or Thunderbolt cable. This is the fastest method, but requires that you have the respective cables and adapters handy. (Note that, if you’re migrating from an older Mac, this might require , but according to Apple this is only true if you’re using Thunderbolt with Macs running Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion or earlier.)

    通过使用以太网,Firewire或Thunderbolt电缆直接连接两台Mac,从而迁移数据。 这是最快的方法,但是需要您随身携带相应的电缆和适配器。 (请注意,如果您要从旧版Mac迁移,则可能需要 ,但根据Apple的规定,只有将Thunderbolt与运行Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion的Mac或之前)。

However you decide to connect your Macs, make sure your old Mac is plugged into the wall using its power supply. Next, start Migration Utility on your old Mac, which again can be found in Applications > Utilities. When the program launches, click “Continue” and your old Mac will log out of the current account.

但是,如果您决定连接Mac,请确保使用电源将旧Mac插入墙上。 接下来,在旧Mac上启动Migration Utility,可以在Applications> Utilities中再次找到它。 程序启动时,单击“继续”,您的旧Mac将注销当前帐户。

Select “to another Mac,” then click “Continue.” Now you’re ready to head back to your new Mac.

选择“到另一台Mac”,然后单击“继续”。 现在您可以回到新Mac了。

第三步:开始迁移过程 (Step Three: Start the Migration Process)

Back on your new Mac, you should see a list of devices you can restore from.


As you can see, I’m restoring from another MacBook, but if you have a Time Machine drive, you should see it here as well. If you have a networked drive that’s not showing up, you can connect to it directly using the “Other Server” button at bottom left.

如您所见,我正在从另一台MacBook还原,但是如果您有Time Machine驱动器,则也应该在这里看到它。 如果没有显示网络驱动器,则可以使用左下方的“其他服务器”按钮直接连接到该驱动器。

Select what you want to migrate from, then click “Continue.” You will then be asked to confirm that the same number is showing up on both Macs, which you will need to confirm on the old Mac.

选择您要从中迁移的内容,然后单击“继续”。 然后,将要求您确认两个Mac上都显示了相同的数字,您需要在旧Mac上进行确认。

(Why is this step necessary? In theory, two Macs could be connected to the same network with the Migration Assistant at the same time, and you could hypothetically be migrating data from the wrong one. Think of it as a safeguard.)

(为什么需要执行此步骤?从理论上讲,两台Mac可以使用Migration Assistant同时连接到同一网络,并且可以假设是从错误的Mac迁移数据。将其视为一种保护措施。)

Once you’re past the numbers, you’ll see a list of things you can migrate.


You can choose which user accounts you’d like to keep, whether you’d like to port over all of your applications, and whether you’d like to keep you system settings and other files. Uncheck anything you don’t want, then click “Continue” to begin the migration process.

您可以选择要保留的用户帐户,是否要移植所有应用程序,以及是否要保留系统设置和其他文件。 取消选中不需要的任何内容,然后单击“继续”以开始迁移过程。

Depending on how many files you’re moving, this might take a while. Mine took about six hours; yours might take even longer. I suggest you let it run overnight.

根据要移动的文件数,这可能需要一段时间。 我花了大约六个小时; 您可能需要更长的时间。 我建议您让它运行一整夜。

后续步骤:检查您的申请和文件 (Next Steps: Check Your Applications and Documents)

When the process is done, you can log into your old accounts on your new Mac, and you’ll find everything just where you left it. Your documents and applications will be in the same spot, and your wallpaper and the way you’ve arranged your dock icons will even be identical. It’s very complete.

完成此过程后,您可以登录新Mac上的旧帐户,然后在离开它的位置找到所有内容。 您的文档和应用程序将位于同一位置,并且墙纸以及布置停靠图标的方式将完全相同。 非常完整。

Having said that, you’ll probably have to do some cleanup. Here’s a few things I noticed about the applications I migrated from one Mac to another:

话虽如此,您可能必须进行一些清理。 关于从一台Mac迁移到另一台Mac的应用程序,我注意到了以下几点:

  • Most applications migrated from one Mac to another work just the way they did before: even your custom settings should make it over.

  • Any applications you bought or downloaded from the Mac App Store will work, though you may need to enter your Apple ID again the first time you launch them.

    从Mac App Store购买或下载的任何应用程序都可以使用,尽管您可能需要在首次启动时再次输入Apple ID。
  • Commercial applications installed outside the Mac App Store, like Microsoft Office, will make the jump from one Mac to another, but you’ll probably need to re-activate them. Dig up your product codes and launch them all on your new, just to make sure. Note that, in some cases, you may need to de-activate commercial software on your old Mac before activating it on your new Mac.

    在Mac App Store外部安装的商业应用程序(例如Microsoft Office)会从一台Mac跳到另一台Mac,但是您可能需要重新激活它们。 挖掘一下您的产品代码,然后在所有新产品上启动它们,以确保确定。 请注意,在某些情况下,您可能需要先在旧Mac上停用商业软件,然后才能在新Mac上激活它。

Other than these notes, the whole process is surprisingly wholesale. My documents, apps, and settings all made it over from one Mac to the next. I was pleasantly surprised to find made it to my new Mac, something I completely did not expect. I did need to re-install the command line tools to use Homebrew again, but still: everything else made it over.

除了这些注释之外,整个过程令人惊讶。 我的文档,应用程序和设置全部从一台Mac转移到下一台Mac。 我很高兴地发现到我的新Mac电脑上,这是我完全没想到的。 我确实需要重新安装命令行工具才能再次使用Homebrew,但是仍然:其他一切都结束了。

Get comfortable on your new Mac, and spend some time making sure that everything is there. Once you’re comfortable that you’ve got it all, you can before giving that Mac away or selling it.

在新Mac上舒适使用,并花一些时间确保所有东西都在那里。 放心使用完所有功能后,您可以先然后再将Mac出售或出售。




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